Elevate Your LinkedIn Game with Our Latest Course Offering

course offering Oct 11, 2021

Even if you have only dabbled with LinkedIn, you are probably familiar with the fact many use it during a job search and as a way to get their resume out. It's the "work" social media channel, right?

Well, yes, but there is so much more to LinkedIn than resumes and job searching. In this new 40-minute course, Janice takes you through the powerful ways LinkedIn can help you grow your influence and reach your business goals. She will walk you through:

  • How LinkedIn can help you reach your business goals
  • Networking and content on LinkedIn
  • Underutilized aspects of the LinkedIn profile

And yes, she will also give an overview of using LinkedIn for resumes if you need a quick refresher. 

This class also includes a downloadable that will help you plan and execute your new LinkedIn strategy and an in-depth infographic that takes you piece by piece through the LinkedIn profile with all the details you need to get your profile polished up and representing you and your business in the best way possible.

So what are you waiting for? Let's take your LinkedIn game to the next level! Click the button below for all the details.


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